Prayer Service
7:30 pm
Let us humbly follow Christ, our great leader, and take His work for our rule of faith and practice.
Bishop Francis S. Myles, Pastor
8513 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
(301) 336-1181
Elder William I. Newman, Pastor
10902 North Keys Road
Brandywine, Maryland 20613
Elder Paul E. Brown, Pastor
501 West Congress
Charles Town, West Virginia
Elder Kevin K. West, Pastor
15160 Regina Avenue
Brandywine, Maryland 20613
7:30 pm
12:00 pm
7:30 pm
Sunday School – 10:00 am
Morning Worship 11:30am
Evening Worship 3:30 pm
Saints, please remember our sick and shut-in, our youth and members of the Military, serving both stateside and abroad.